

I thought I'd start with a list of my WIPs and what their purpose is as well as other info. So here goes.

- The hooded sweater from Girl from Auntie. This is my first sweater. It's going well. Right now I'm at the shoulders. The only problem is that I'm pretty sure I picked a size too big. yea. Life sucks.

- Basketweave/Check patterned socks. This is with Sockotta, my favorite yarn. I love these socks because the flow with them is going awesomely. I don't have to stop in the middle of my Rythm to twist or cable or something. As a result, I did 2/3 of a sock in 5 days.

- Holey rib patterned socks. This pair is stalled at the first sock at the gusset decreases. The pattern sucks - I keep having to stop my rythm to lift the third stitch over the last two. It's a pain in the ass. One day I'll finish these socks. But not today.

- Nylon purse - this is my own pattern and is stalled on the second piece, mostly because I hate the slippery nylon yarn.

- 2 Velvet Oblivions (from Knitty) - I'm knitting one in Touch Me and another in hand-dyed Blue Heron Chenile. It's yummy. One of these will be a gift for my cousin (she cut and dyed my hair this summer, so it's payment).

- Sideways Socks Supreme - from Socks, Socks, Socks. These have been stalled at the 4th color stripe mostly because I've had more interesting things to knit.

This is kind of a boring post, I know, I know. I promise things will get better as I find my groove. I promise more goofyness, more content, more depth. More pictures. It will be yummy. So stick around.


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